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Lisa L.

"I really love it! It is very inspiring and gives me new insight."

Melissa A.

"I found that the truth of the lessons was inspiring and potentially life changing. I am thankful for the opportunity to be taught and be changed."


"I had a really tough time in my marriage and finally I was able to encourage my husband to take the marriage course with me. We are on week 3 right now and already it’s making a huge difference in our relationship and our family."

Diane D.

"I have found this to be very useful in all of my relationships."

Dawn G.

"This course is great. The information is broken up into small pieces that are digestible."

Andrew B.

"The course is a huge helper … perfect for anyone willing to take the journey."

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The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery (The Spiritual Journey)
Posted: May 19, 2021
( 1 reviews)
Status: In progress
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Much is said in Christian circles about knowing God. But Christians throughout the ages have agreed that there cannot be deep knowledge of God without deep knowledge of the self. Discerning your true self is inextricably related to discerning the purposes of God for you. Paradoxically, the more you become like Christ, the more you become authentically yourself. In this profound exploration of Christian identity, psychologist and spiritual director David G. Benner illuminates the spirituality of self-discovery. He exposes the false selves that you may hide behind and calls you to discover the true self that emerges from your uniqueness in Christ. Freeing you from illusions about yourself, Benner shows that self-understanding leads to the fulfillment of your God-given destiny and vocation. Rest assured, you need not try to be someone you are not. But you will deepen your experience of God through discovering the gift of being yourself.

The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery (The Spiritual Journey)


Resource Details
  • Learning Type: BOOK
  • Featuring the Work of David G. Benner
  • Category:
  • Publication date: 09-24-2015
  • Publisher: IVP Books
  • Print length: 128 pages
  • Time to consume: ~ 60 mins
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8 months ago

Loved everything about this book! Such a compassionate view of understanding self and God. Insightful questions throughout that inspire deep and honest reflection. Highly recommend!

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