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"I had a really tough time in my marriage and finally I was able to encourage my husband to take the marriage course with me. We are on week 3 right now and already it’s making a huge difference in our relationship and our family."

Diane D.

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"The course is a huge helper … perfect for anyone willing to take the journey."

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Do you sometimes
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The resources on Joyful Life Programs help people live each day with confidence, passion, and abiding joy.

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Lisa L.

"I really love it! It is very inspiring and gives me new insight."

Melissa A.

"I found that the truth of the lessons was inspiring and potentially life changing. I am thankful for the opportunity to be taught and be changed."


"I had a really tough time in my marriage and finally I was able to encourage my husband to take the marriage course with me. We are on week 3 right now and already it’s making a huge difference in our relationship and our family."

Diane D.

"I have found this to be very useful in all of my relationships."

Dawn G.

"This course is great. The information is broken up into small pieces that are digestible."

Andrew B.

"The course is a huge helper … perfect for anyone willing to take the journey."

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It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior, better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.

Proverbs 16:32 (The Voice)

Learning Plan Summary


The Healthy Emotions Learning Plan teaches perspectives and practices that equip learners to value and respect their emotions as helpful signals that help us navigate and respond to our environments. Because they inform our decisions and motivate actions, understanding them is essential.

The Healthy Emotions Learning Plan includes self-assessments, books, articles, and videos that provide wisdom on (1) what emotions are and the purpose they serve in our lives, (2) techniques to identify and navigate emotions and individual emotional tendencies, (3) methods to align feelings, thoughts, and actions and so to foster inner peace, and (4) attitudes, tools, and methods to leverage emotions for growth and spiritual wellness.

With an average of two hours of active study per week, we estimate the Plan can be finished in 6 to 8 weeks. Learners will gain the most benefit by applying new concepts in the material on a daily basis as they progress.

The Approach

We begin by exploring what, exactly, emotions are, where they come from, and their ideal role in our lives. From there, we consider the importance of intentionally examining our emotions continually (and especially during times of conflict) so that they do not “run the show” in our thinking and behaviors. We will examine ways to identify the emotions fueling our thoughts, attitudes and actions, and accept the messages they provide.  

Armed with an awareness and understanding of what really drives us, we will then learn better ways to manage our responses and wisely choose our next steps. We delve into how emotions show up in relationships and within community and investigate tools and approaches to use the emotions we feel for growth and to increase our connections with others. Finally, we explore best practices for maintaining emotional health and wellness.

Learning Outcomes 

After completing the plan, you will be able to: 

  • Identify a wide variety of emotions experienced by yourself and others
  • Understand and appreciate the differences between feelings and thoughts
  • Navigate the emotions that arise within
  • Better manage your responses to emotions in the self and others
  • Overcome unhealthy core beliefs and perspectives about the self and others
  • Articulate your boundaries in a firm yet respectful way
  • Find resources as needed to be encouraged and to steward emotions towards well-being and personal and spiritual growth
Content Providers

Category Leader:  Fernanda Costa

Authors:  Henry Cloud, Brené Brown, Ian Morgan Cron, Suzanne Stabile, Neil Anderson, Peter Scazzero, Jenna Riemersma.


For general questions about the plan or how to use this platform, please contact us at

Recommended Resources

Show Resources:

Traditional discipleship strategies fail because they do not: help people slow down in order to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with Jesus; challenge the values of Western culture that compromise the radical call to follow the crucified Jesus; integrate sadness, loss, and vulnerability, leaving people defensive and easily triggered; or measure our spiritual maturity by how we are growing in our ability to love others. In Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, bestselling author Pete Scazzero lays out how to create an emotionally healthy culture. Complete with assessments and practical strategies, Emotionally Healthy Discipleship will help you move to the beneath-the-surface discipleship that actually has the power to change the world.

  • Featuring the Work of Peter Scazzero
  • Publication date: May, 19, 2021
  • Time to consume: ~ 60 min

#1 New Yorks Times Bestseller! In her latest book, the author asserts that if we want to find the way back to ourselves and one another, we need language and the grounded confidence to both tell our stories and be stewards of the stories that we hear. This is the framework for meaningful connection. Discover methods to do this in this excellent resource.

  • Featuring the Work of Brene Brown
  • Publication date: Jan, 20, 2023
  • Time to consume: ~ 120 min

In this New York Times bestselling book, Drs. Cloud and Townsend unpack the ten laws of boundaries, showing you how to bring health and happiness into your relationships. This updated and expanded edition offers a new chapter that specifically addresses boundaries in the digital age, online dating, single parenting, and the workplace.

  • Featuring the Work of Dr. Henry Cloud
  • Publication date: Feb, 9, 2021
  • Time to consume: ~ 60 min

Therapist and speaker Jenna Riemersma applies the groundbreaking insights of Internal Family Systems (IFS) for anyone who feels stuck in unwanted feelings and behaviors, with a special focus on personal transformation for readers of faith. In Altogether You, she explains why our parts are so often at war—parts of us wanting to please others and do things right while other parts seem bent on acting out, shutting down, or engaging in hurtful behaviors. Jenna explores the surprising IFS insight that our warring parts are actually trying to help us, even when what they are doing or feeling is not helpful. By genuinely welcoming all our parts and learning how to access our God-created core Self, we can finally experience the change, integration, and wholeness we have been looking for. Altogether You delivers practical, life-affirming counsel from a leading therapist and speaker of deep personal faith.

  • Featuring the Work of Jenna Riemersma
  • Publication date: May, 7, 2021
  • Time to consume: ~ 90 min

Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone—you can break free. Neil Anderson has brought hope to countless thousands facing similar spiritual attacks. In this significantly revised and updated edition of this popular bestselling book, he offers a holistic approach to spiritual warfare that is rooted in the Word of God. As you read stories of others who have been locked in spiritual battles, you will learn the underlying whys and hows behind these attacks and discover the truths that sets people free in Jesus. You do not have to live as if you are in chains. Break through your spiritual battles, and find freedom in Christ with The Bondage Breaker.

  • Featuring the Work of Neil T. Anderson
  • Publication date: May, 7, 2021
  • Time to consume: ~ 60 min
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